AI for App Development: Databutton vs Marblism vs Cursor

AI for App Development: Databutton vs Marblism vs Cursor

The AI revolution, though still largely technical, has begun to impact businesses significantly. Did you know that one of the most impactful uses of AI today is in code generation? GitHub's Copilot is used by millions of developers, generates hundreds of millions in revenue, and contributes to approximately 40% of GitHub's overall growth.

In the future, apps will likely be developed using natural language instead of code. This shift will dramatically reduce the cost of building software and lower the skill threshold required.

Several startups have recently launched LLM-powered code generation products, each promising to reduce time-to-app, the number of developers needed, and the necessary software development skills. But how do they compare? Who are they meant for, and what are their strengths and weaknesses?


Cursor is a straight up competitor to VSCode + Github CoPilot. In fact, their code editor has been built off a fork of VSCode (being open source and all). It is thus something you download and use locally on your computer.  As compared to Github CoPilot, Cursor is more feature rich and strives at being better than its’ successful brother.

In terms of app development, Cursor is a productivity tool for skilled developers and a real help for developers starting out their careers. It does make the coding part easier, but you still need to know how to set up a local development environment, CI/CD, and deploy to a production environment in the cloud for distribution. Moreover, you need to be familiar with front-end and back-end languages and structure. 

Costs start at $20 pr. month.


Marblism is an online platform designed for developing web applications, targeting indie hackers and startup founders. It simplifies the process of turning an idea into an initial codebase and environment by collecting requirements and user stories upfront. This includes generating a landing page, app pages, database schemas, and login features, providing a comprehensive starting point for your project. They also offer an online workspace for app development.

Marblism is ideal for developers seeking an advanced, tailored starting point for their projects. It's a convenient and superior alternative to boilerplate frameworks like and create-react-app. However, their coding environment and AI assistant are still in early stages, requiring solid software development skills to use effectively. The pricing is very competitive, with $20 for unlimited usage per month.

Where Cursor and Marblism cater to software developers, is designed for SMB no-code developers and hobbyists. It introduces familiar concepts from tools like Bubble, such as Pages, UI components, Functions (for backend), and Integrations (to connect to other services). Unlike conversational builders, requires users to craft prompts and iterate until satisfied with the results. Each prompt is used to build a specific page, component, or function.

While is easy to use, especially for simple apps with landing pages and basic table operations, the platform's design choices limit the complexity of the apps you can build. It’s a great option for those who prefer a no-code approach to creating apps with more complex logic. The platform offers a generous freemium plan for public projects, with paid plans starting at $20 per month.


Databutton is a premium online platform for building SaaS applications. Unlike Marblism and Create, Databutton helps you create exactly the app you envision—20x faster and at a fraction of the cost of hiring developers. It targets startups and businesses needing a state-of-the-art, customer-facing app, offering an alternative to expanding development teams.

With Databutton, you collaborate with an AI agent through a chat-based development environment. You provide guidance while the AI makes technical decisions and generates all the code. This piece-by-piece approach ensures you end up with the app you need.

To be fully self-sufficient with Databutton, you’ll need to understand software development concepts and be able to break down needs into UIs and logical flows. While you’ll build your app much faster and more affordably, it still requires significant time and effort. Fortunately, Databutton offers extensive support, including 1-on-1 co-working sessions and instant assistance when you get stuck. You can also purchase large-scale features or complete apps at very low prices on a per-feature basis.

As a premium AI-powered product, Databutton starts at $50 per month for developer users, with plans up to $500 per month for unlimited usage and extreme support.

When to use what?

  • If you're a professional developer using VSCode + GitHub Copilot today, Cursor might boost your productivity without requiring a change in your workflow.
  • If you're a skilled developer aiming to launch a SaaS application, Marblism could provide an excellent starting point.
  • If you're a no-code enthusiast who enjoys building and sharing apps with tools like Softr or Bubble, can help you create even cooler projects.
  • But if you're a startup, agency, or business looking to build a fully-fledged SaaS application that rivals Stripe, HubSpot, Linear, or Spotify in terms of design, complexity, and performance, Databutton is the fastest and most cost-effective way to get there.

Ready to supercharge your app development? Whether you're a seasoned developer, a startup founder, or a business ready to build the next big SaaS application, Databutton has the tools to turn your vision into reality—faster and more affordable than ever. Start building your state-of-the-art app today with Databutton's AI-powered platform. Sign up now, or book a personalised demo, and take the first step towards creating something extraordinary!